Frans Timmermans, nooit te beroerd om een goed woordje te doen voor Frans Timmermans, gaf gisteren bij Nieuwsuur aan helemaal voor een 'nieuwe' linkse partij te zijn, met bijvoorbeeld Frans Timmermans aan het roer. Alleen: mensen die daadwerkelijk op deze partij zouden stemmen willen helemaal geen Frans Timmermans, maar Jesse Klaver of Habtamu de Hoop*. Nu rijst dus de vraag of Frans Timmermans op zoek moet naar een nieuw verhaal over Frans Timmermans, of dat Frans Timmermans het huidige verhaal over Frans Timmermans gewoon op een andere manier moet vertellen, of dat Frans Timmermans misschien gewoon een keertje moet opbokken voor hij Job Cohen overvleugelt qua plaatsvervangende schaamte.
Lees-, kijk- en luistertips van onze redacteuren bij het nieuws. Deze week: het leven op een strook land van 2.000 km breed.
If you work for or with any company that has taken money from Andreessen Horowitz, this is what you are supporting. It is blood money.
Daniel Penny, a Marine veteran acquitted on a charge of criminally negligent homicide in Manhattan in December, has been hired by one of Silicon Valley's most prestigious venture capital firms to join its "American Dynamism" team. [...]
Mr. Penny was charged in 2023 by the Manhattan district attorney's office with manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide after a video of him fatally choking another passenger, Jordan Neely, on the subway circulated online that May. [...]
Mr. Ulevitch said in the memo that the firm plans to teach Mr. Penny "the business of investing" and that he will support several of the firm's portfolio companies. On Andreessen Horowitz's website, Mr. Penny is listed as a "deal partner."
ARNHEM (ANP) - Het NK wielrennen kan in de laatste week van juni niet plaatsvinden in de gemeenten Nijmegen en Berg en Dal. Er zijn door de NAVO-top in Den Haag te weinig politieagenten beschikbaar voor het evenement. Dat bevestigt Joost van Wijngaarden, manager wedstrijdsport van wielerbond KNWU, na eerdere berichtgeving van de Gelderlander.
Eerder werd al bekend dat er geen motoragenten beschikbaar waren voor het NK, maar nu blijkt dat de normale politiecapaciteit voor evenementen evenmin haalbaar is. "Dat is een belangrijk verschil", benadrukt Van Wijngaarden. "Het had zonder motards gekund, maar enige politie-inzet is wel nodig en die is er niet voldoende."
Van Wijngaarden hoopt dat het NK alsnog kan plaatsvinden dit jaar, maar realiseert zich dat dit lastig kan worden. "Je moet denken aan een alternatieve locatie op dezelfde datum of een alternatieve datum op dezelfde locatie. Een andere gemeente heeft echter mogelijk dezelfde problemen en we hebben ook te maken met de volle wielerkalender. Een locatie in het buitenland is eventueel ook nog een mogelijkheid", aldus de manager wedstrijdsport.
Het NK stond tussen 25 en 29 juni op het programma.
Met het opstappen van Kamerlid Lilian Helder en een paar statenleden in Overijssel had Caroline van der Plas al een paar slechte dagen, maar haar rampweek is nu pas echt compleet: vanmorgen kwam ze per ongeluk thuis met een pak eieren twee-sterren-beter-leven.
“Niet te geloven”, zegt Van der Plas terwijl ze verslagen naar het doosje eieren kijkt. “Dit is echt de Wet van Murphy.” De BBB-leider baalt er extra van dat ze juist vandaag geen bonnetje heeft gevraagd. “Normaal vraag ik bij de kassa altijd om een bonnetje. Juist voor dit soort gevallen. Maar ja: ik ben er kennelijk niet helemaal bij.”
Met een zucht gooit Van der Plas de eieren in de prullenbak. “We gaan maar weer terug naar de Jumbo dan.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
In her unmissable 2023 book Doppelganger, Naomi Klein paints a picture of a "mirror world" of right wing and conspiratorial beliefs that are warped, false reflections of real crises:
For example, Qanon's obsession with "child trafficking" is a mirror-world version of the real crises of child poverty, child labor, border family separations and kids in cages. Anti-vax is the mirror-world version of the true story of the Sacklers and their fellow opioid barons making billions on Oxy and fent, with the collusion of corrupt FDA officials and a pliant bankruptcy court system. Xenophobic panic about "immigrants stealing jobs" is the mirror world version of the well-documented fact that big business shipped jobs to low-Xenoowaged territories abroad, weakening US labor and smashing US unions. Cryptocurrency talk about "decentralization" is the mirror-world version of the decay of every industry (including tech) into a monopoly or a cartel.
Klein is at pains to point out that other political thinkers have described this phenomenon. Back in the 19th century, leftists called antisemitism "the socialism of fools." Socialism – the idea that working people are preyed upon by capital – is reflected in the warped mirror as "working people are preyed upon by international Jewish bankers."
The mirror world is a critical concept, because it shows that far right and conspiratorial beliefs are often uneasy neighbors with real, serious political movements. The swivel-eyed loons have a point, in other words:
Once you understand the mirror world, you start to realize that many right wing conspiracists could have been directed into productive movements, if only they'd understood that their problems were with systems, not sinister individuals (this is why Trump has ordered a purge of any federally funded research that contains the word "systemic"):
This also explains why the "tropes" of right wing conspiratorialism sometimes echo left wing, radical thought. I once had a (genuinely unhinged) dialog with a self-described German "progressive" who told me that criticizing the finance industry as parasitic on the real economy was "structurally antisemitic." Nonsense like this is why Klein's "mirror world" is so important: unless you understand the mirror world, you can end up believing that "progressive" just means "defending anything the right hates."
Historian Erik Baker is the author of a new book, Make Your Own Job: How the Entrepreneurial Work Ethic Exhausted America, which has some very interesting things to say about the mirror world:
In a recent edition of the always-excellent Know Your Enemy podcast, the hosts interviewed Baker about the book, and the conversation turned to the subject of pyramid schemes, the "multilevel marketing systems" that are woven into so many religious, right-wing movements:
MLMs have it all: prosperity gospel ("God rewards virtue with wealth"), atomization ("you are an entrepreneur and everyone in your life is your potential customer"), and rabid anti-Communism ("solidarity is a trick to make you poorer").
The rise of the far right can't be separated from the history of MLMs. The modern MLM starts with Amway, a cultlike national scam that was founded by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos (father-in-law of Betsy DeVos).
Rank-and-file members of the Amway cult lived in dire poverty, convinced that their financial predicament was their own fault for not faithfully following the "sure-fire" Amway method for building a business. Andrea Pitzer's gripping memoir of growing up in an Amway household offers a glimpse of the human cost of the cult:
Amway – and MLMs like it – don't just bleed out their members by convincing them to buy mountains of useless crap they're supposed to sell to their families, while enriching the people at the top of the pyramid who sell it to them. The "toxic positivity" of multi-level marketing cults forces members deep into debt to pay for seminars and retreats where they are supposed to learn how to repair the personal defects that keep them from being "successful entrepreneurs." The topline of the cult isn't just getting rich selling stuff – they're making bank by selling false hope, literally, in Hilton ballrooms and convention centers across the country, where hearing an MLM scammer berate you for being a "bad entrepreneur" costs thousands of dollars.
Amway destroyed so many lives that Richard Nixon's FTC decided to investigate it. The investigation wasn't going well for Amway, which was facing an existential crisis that they were rescued from by Nixon's resignation. You see, Nixon's successor, Gerald Ford, was the former Congressman of Amway co-founder Jay Van Andel, who was also the head of the US Chamber of Commerce, the most powerful business lobbyist in America.
At Ford's direction, the FTC exonerated Amway of all wrongdoing. But it's even worse than that: Ford's FTC actually crafted a rule that differentiated legal pyramid schemes from illegal ones, based on Amway's destructive business practices. Under this new rule, any pyramid scheme that had the same structure as Amway was presumptively legal. Every MLM operating in America today is built on the Amway model, taking advantage of the FTC's Amway rule to operate in the open, without fear of legal repercussions.
MLMs prey on the poor and desperate: women, people of color, people in dying small towns and decaying rustbelt cities. It's not just that these people are desperate – it's that they only survive through networks of mutual aid. Poor women rely on other poor women to help with child care, marginalized people rely on one another for help with home maintenance, small loans, a place to crash after an eviction, or a place to park the RV you're living out of.
In other words, people who lack monetary capital must rely on social capital for survival. That's why MLMs target these people: an MLM is a system for destructively transforming social capital into monetary capital. MLMs exhort their members to mine their social relationships for "leads" and "customers" and to use the language of social solidarity ("women helping women") to wheedle, guilt, and arm-twist people from your mutual aid network into buying things they don't need and can't afford.
But it's worse, because what MLMs really sell is MLMs. The real purpose of an MLM sales call is to convince the "customer" to become an MLM salesperson, who owes you a share of every sale they make and is incentivized to buy stock they don't need (from you) in order to make quotas. And of course, their real job is to sign up other salespeople to work under them, and so on.
An MLM isn't just a pathogen, in other words – it's a contagion. When someone in your social support network gets the MLM disease, they don't just burn all their social ties with you and the people you rely on – they convince more people in your social group to do the same.
Which brings me back to the mirror world, and Erik Baker's conversation with the Know Your Enemy podcast. Baker starts to talk about who gets big into Amway: "people who already effectively lead by the force of their charisma and personality many other people in their lives. Right? Because you're able to sell to those people, and you're able to recruit those people. What are we talking about? Well, they're effectively recruiting organizers, people who have a natural capacity for organizing and then sending them out in the world to organize on behalf of Christian capitalism."
Listening to this, I was thunderstruck: MLM recruiters are the mirror world version of union organizers. In her memoir of growing up in Amway, Andrea Pitzer talks about how her mom would approach strangers and try to lead them through a kind of structured discussion:
Everywhere we went—the mall, state parks, grocery stores—she’d ask people whether they could use a little more money each month. “I’d love to set up a time to talk to you about an exciting business opportunity.” The words should have seemed suspect. Yet people almost always gave her their number. Her confidence and professionalism were reassuring, and her enthusiasm was electric, even, at first, to me. “What would you do with $1 million?” she’d ask, spinning me around the kitchen.
This kind of person, having this kind of dialog, is exactly how union organizers work. In A Collective Bargain, Jane McAlevey's classic book on labor organizing, she describes how she would seek out the charismatic, outgoing workers in a job-site, the natural leaders, and recruit them to help bring the other workers onboard:
Organizer training focuses on how to have a "structured organizing conversation," which McAlevey described in a 2019 Jacobin article:
“If you had a magic wand and could change three things about life in America [or her town or city or school], what would you change?” The rest of your conversation needs to be anchored to her answers to that question.
The MLM conversation and the union conversation have eerily similar structures, but the former is designed to commodify and destroy solidarity, and the latter is designed to reinforce and mobilize solidarity. Seen in this light, an MLM is a mirror world union, one that converts solidarity into misery and powerlessness instead of joy and strength.
The MLM movement doesn't just make men like Rich De Vos and Jay Van Andel into billionaires. MLM bosses are heavy funders of the right, a blank check for the Heritage Foundation. Trump is the MLM president, a grifter who grew up on the gospel of Norman Vincent Peale – a key figure in MLM cult dynamics – who tells his followers that wealth is a sign of virtue. Trump boasts about all the people he's ripped off, boasting about how getting away with cheating "makes me smart":
The corollary is that being cheated means you're stupid. Caveat emptor, the motto of the cryptocurrency industry ("not your wallet, not your coins") that spent hundreds of millions to get Trump elected.
Tech has its own mirror world. The people who used tech to find fellow weirdos and make delightful and wonderful things are mirrored by the people who used tech to find fellow weirdos and call for fascism, ethnic cleansing, and concentration camps.
In Picks and Shovels, my next novel (Feb 17), I introduce readers to a fictitious 1980s religious computer sales cult called Fidelity Computing, run by an orthodox rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Mormon rabbi:
Fidelity is a faith scam, a pyramid scheme that is parasitic upon the bonds of faith and fellowship. Martin Hench, the hero of the story – a hard-fighting high tech forensic accountant – goes to work for a competing business, Computing Freedom, run by three Fidelity ex-employees who have left their faiths and their employers to pursue a vision of computers that is about liberation, rather than control.
The women of Computing Freedom – a queer orthodox woman who's been kicked out of her family, a Mormon woman who's renounced the LDS over its opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment, and a nun who's left her order to throw in with the Liberation Theology movement – are all charismatic, energetic, inspirational organizers.
Because of course they are – that's why they were so good at selling computers for the Reverend Sirs who sit at the top of Fidelity Computing's pyramid scheme.
Hearing Baker's interview and reading Pitzer's memoir last week made it all click together for me. Not just that MLMs destroy social bonds, but that within every person who gets sucked into an MLM, there's a community organizer who could be building the bonds that MLMs destroy.
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Picks and Shovels with Ken Liu (Boston), Feb 14
Picks and Shovels with Yanis Varoufakis (Jacobin/virtual), Feb 15
Picks and Shovels with Charlie Jane Anders (Menlo Park), Feb 17
Picks and Shovels with Wil Wheaton (Los Angeles), Feb 18
Picks and Shovels with Dan Savage (Seattle), Feb 19
Picks and Shovels at Another Story (Toronto), Feb 23
Ursula Franklin Lecture (Toronto), Feb 24
Picks and Shovels with John Hodgman (NYC), Feb 26
Picks and Shovels (Penn State), Feb 27
Picks and Shovels at the Doylestown Bookshop (Doylestown, PA), Mar 1
Picks and Shovels at Red Emma's (Baltimore), Mar 2
Picks and Shovels with Matt Stoller (DC), Mar 4
Picks and Shovels with Lee Vinsel (Richmond, VA), Mar 5
With Great Power Came No Responsibility: How Enshittification Conquered the 21st Century and How We Can Overthrow It (Indiana University/virtual), Mar 7
Picks and Shovels at First Light Books (Austin), Mar 10
Picks and Shovels at Dark Delicacies (Burbank), Mar 13
Cloudfest (Europa Park), Mar 17-20
Picks and Shovels at Imagine! Belfast (Remote), Mar 24
Picks and Shovels with Peter Sagal (Chicago), Apr 2
ABA Techshow (Chicago), Apr 3
Picks and Shovels at Morgenstern (Bloomington), Apr 4
Teardown 2025 (PDX), Jun 20-22
DeepSouthCon63 (New Orleans), Oct 10-12, 2025
A Weird Way to Win the Trade War with Trump (Canadaland)
Fear and Loathing in Silicon Valley (How To Academy)
"The Lost Cause:" a solarpunk novel of hope in the climate emergency, Tor Books (US), Head of Zeus (UK), November 2023 ( Signed, personalized copies at Dark Delicacies (
"The Internet Con": A nonfiction book about interoperability and Big Tech (Verso) September 2023 ( Signed copies at Book Soup (
"Red Team Blues": "A grabby, compulsive thriller that will leave you knowing more about how the world works than you did before." Tor Books Signed copies at Dark Delicacies (US): and Forbidden Planet (UK):
"Chokepoint Capitalism: How to Beat Big Tech, Tame Big Content, and Get Artists Paid, with Rebecca Giblin", on how to unrig the markets for creative labor, Beacon Press/Scribe 2022
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother novel, a standalone technothriller for adults. The Washington Post called it "a political cyberthriller, vigorous, bold and savvy about the limits of revolution and resistance." Order signed, personalized copies from Dark Delicacies
"How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism": an anti-monopoly pamphlet analyzing the true harms of surveillance capitalism and proposing a solution. (signed copies:
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden:; personalized/signed copies here:
"Poesy the Monster Slayer" a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Order here: Get a personalized, signed copy here:
Enshittification: Why Everything Suddenly Got Worse and What to Do About It, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, October 2025
Unauthorized Bread: a middle-grades graphic novel adapted from my novella about refugees, toasters and DRM, FirstSecond, 2025
Today's top sources:
Currently writing:
A Little Brother short story about DIY insulin PLANNING
Picks and Shovels, a Martin Hench noir thriller about the heroic era of the PC. FORTHCOMING TOR BOOKS FEB 2025
Latest podcast: Canada shouldn't retaliate with US tariffs
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"When life gives you SARS, you make sarsaparilla" -Joey "Accordion Guy" DeVilla
For a time in the early-2000s, millions of kids were listening to impressionistic, semi-improvised mood jazz without even knowing it. It's likely one of the most widely heard album-length collections of music to be released so far this century. [...] If you were still so young that you didn't know about cynicism, it allowed you a glimpse into a future that wasn't necessarily impossible. Maybe you could become a firefighter or a rockstar or a supermodel; maybe you could type in a cheat code and make a million dollars; maybe building a three-story mansion with an indoor swimming pool and a bunch of hot tubs and three wall-sized TVs isn't all that hard; maybe sadness is caused by hunger and hunger is cured by eating cereal and cereal is always in the kitchen and that's all there is to it. Even though they hadn't played the game, the musicians who soundtracked its world were trying to capture some of that blissful naivety. [...] "We'd throw around some catchphrases: hope, dream, with a hint of sadness because you're growing up, and you're leaving behind something that you really enjoy, and you're also looking ahead to a place where you hopefully will be filled with joy and wonder."The complete Build mode suite:
Under Construction Buying Lumber Since We Met If You Really See Eurydice Now What? The Simple LifeAll pieces are available for download in high quality from composer Jerry Martin's official site, where you can also sign up for an occasional newsletter of found material ️Simlish A history of Simlish, the language that defined The Sims Twenty Thousand Hertz: "Sul Sul"
When The Sims was first being developed, the creators faced a problem. They knew they wanted these characters to talk and interact, but they were worried that using a real language would quickly get repetitive and annoying. So, they decided to make one up. This is the story of Simlish: How it was created, why it works so well, and why artists ranging from The Black Eyed Peas to The Flaming Lips have re-recorded their songs in this gibberish language. Featuring Sims Designer & Voiceover Director Claire Curtin, Composer & Audio Director Jerry Martin, voice actress Krizia Bajos, and Youtuber Rachybop.A complete playlist of Simlish covers of real songs recorded for various games - Plus a highlights compilation An extensive playlist of artists recording their own songs in Simlish plus The Sims games' voice actors Rare footage of a Sims 1 recording session (RIP Gerri Lawlor) Linguistics nerdery: The language of the Sims (by a linguist) and A Phonology of Simlish Dropout.TV: The Simlish Pledge of Allegiance ✍️Essays: What The Sims Teaches Us about Avatars and Identity
How we manifest new behavior through these virtual representations of self speaks to how deep our psychological bond can be with even an abstract, incorporeal form of who we know ourselves to be. It goes deeper than making a Sim who looks and acts just like you, or making a custom character with the purple hair you always dreamed of. Games become an experimental plane upon which to test out scenarios and interactions that are, for whatever reason (financial, emotional, etc.), otherwise inaccessible to the player. I find it fascinating just how deep this bond can go.What The Sims taught me about relationships
While I played The Sims for entertainment back then, in hindsight and with a clinician's mind now, I can see that The Sims actually served as a kind of subversive, psychoeducational tool on the very early stages of my healing journey – helping me to rewire and re-form some maladaptive beliefs I had about relationships as a result of my very dysfunctional upbringing.Does playing The Sims affect our mental health? We're All Depressed. Let's Play The Sims
I first started playing Sim Ella's life in the fall of 2014. Now in 2020, Sim Ella's granddaughter Eloise has just moved in with her girlfriend, an artist named Payton. They live in a beach shack on the shore of Sulani, with rainbow pride flags on the front porch and a large art wall where Payton can sell her paintings. Eloise is a lifeguard, which gives her plenty of time off to work on her tan and fish in a nearby cove. They're enjoying young adulthood free from responsibility, beyond paying their electric bill. Eloise and Payton are talented and beautiful. They have adoring families and perfect weather (I turned off thunderstorms in the game settings). While they catch the occasional case of Llama Flu, they don't have to worry about fatal diseases or medical debt. [...] In real life, I am a self-employed writer. I rarely leave my boyfriend's studio apartment because taking the elevator puts me in close contact with the doctors who live in his building. Most of my earthly possessions are stuffed into boxes in my dad's basement and my childhood bedroom at my mom's house. I am frequently winded, and my heart races unpredictably due to anxiety. I aspire to be a successful novelist, but mostly I want a dog and a home where I can hang up my posters of smutty pulp novel book covers. Meanwhile, my Sim self is at the top of her field. She has created several generations of Sim Dawsons to carry out her legacy. Her success is a bittersweet reminder of the dreams I struggle to reach, probably because I spend so much time playing The Sims.The Sims Made Me Realize I'm Ready for More In Life
In a bid to feel in control of something in my life during this damn pandemic, I turned to The Sims. What I got instead was unexpected, yet far more important—mindfulness and clarity. It can likely do the same for you.
The creation of stained glass can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Rome, but we most often associate it with its popularity in Western Christianity, as in the biblical narratives adorning chapels and cathedrals. For Timo Fahler, this tradition forms the foundation of a multimedia practice influenced by Mesoamerican codice imagery, national symbols, and motifs found in older European churches.
Stained glass is a “storytelling medium in which I get to draw from everything I experience, everything I study, read, believe in, and even distrust,” Fahler tells Colossal. “We are floating in a unique era of questioning reality, the last gasp of the living generation before automation integrates itself via AI, ChatGPT, and digital interface.” He views his practice as depicting this era and even, in a way, immortalizing it.
Fahler first worked with lampworking glass while studying ceramics at the Kansas City Art Institute, which sparked an ongoing interest in the medium. Recently, he began incorporating it into what he calls “rebar drawings,” which form the foundation of much of his work. “I was curious about letting the unpredictability of light become a part of the ‘materials’ I work with,” the artist says.
Many of Fahler’s sculptures are framed or supported by heavy-duty metals like rusted steel, iron fences, and gates. Stained glass hovers a few inches from the wall, casting colorful shadows. For his most recent works, Fahler places barriers atop the glass to consider not only the viewer’s relationship to the image but also the implications of people being barred from freedoms and knowledge. “I draw from a lot of different sources—historical, mythological, and fantastical—all of which encompass my ‘heritage,'” the artist says.
In a piece titled after the poem “New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus, which is carved in bronze on the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal, Fahler uses a gate to frame a detail of Lady Liberty’s arm constructed of tiny glass squares soldered to the facets of a chain-link fence. Historically a potent symbol of welcome, amnesty, and inclusiveness, the statue in this context references how today, new immigrants’ access is more troubled and often blocked.
Serpents, dragons, eagles, and landscapes merge with realistic portraits and references to historical moments and national emblems, like Mexico’s crest featuring a golden eagle on a cactus with a snake in its talons. The image centers on the nation’s flag, representing the resilience, bravery, and spirit of the Mexican people. Echoing his representation of the Statue of Liberty, the icon is barricaded, merging with iron bars.
Fahler is currently working on a solo presentation with Sebastian Gladstone this autumn. He and his family just moved to Amsterdam, where he shares he’s beginning from a “zero-point/clean canvas” in a new studio, and he plans to explore ideas around the complexities of sovereignty, expatriation, and a quickly evolving global society.
“The world is changing so quickly that we cannot collectively understand, let alone keep up with it!” he says. “I’m excited to be working on all of that and look forward to the body of work that depicts it.”
Find more on Fahler’s website and Instagram.
Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $7 per month. The article Timo Fahler’s Stained-Glass Sculptures Question Symbols and Curtailed Freedoms appeared first on Colossal.