XMM-Newton finds two stray supernova remnants

europeanspaceagency posted a photo:

XMM-Newton finds two stray supernova remnants

When the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton pointed its telescope at two unidentified sources of light in the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud, scientists were able to confirm what seemed an unlikely discovery. They found two supernova remnants in the far reaches of our neighbouring galaxy.

The two objects that XMM-Newton looked at are shown as the two circles in the lower left of this visible-light image of the Large Magellanic Cloud: J0624-6948 (orange, higher in the image) and J0614-7251 (blue, lower in the image). The yellow crosses represent supernova remnants that had been found before.

It is surprising that these two sources of light turned out to be supernova remnants, far away from all other echoes of stellar explosions that we knew of before. Scientists believe, that for the shock of a supernova to leave such an imprint on its surroundings, the dying star must be in an environment that is dense enough with charged particles (ionised gas). This is not usually the type of gas we find so far in the outer reaches of a galaxy.

This is one of the new things we can learn from XMM-Newton’s discovery: The environment around the Large Magellanic Cloud is made up of more electrically charged gas than we would expect. The reason for this likely lies in how the galaxy is interacting with the Milky Way and the Small Magellanic Cloud. In this way, these two supernova remnants are helping us to better understand the dynamics of our home galaxy’s neighbourhood.

XMM-Newton observed the two remnants in three different types of X-ray light. This resulted in the three colours (yellow, purple and blue) in the images that appear when clicking on the two circles. They give an indication of the chemical elements that are most common in different parts of the remnants.

The yellow colour that is for example dominant in the centre of J0614-7251 tells us that this part of the supernova remnant is made up mostly of iron. This clue allowed scientists to classify this remnant for the very first time as the result of a Type-Ia supernova. This was possible because the new image by XMM-Newton shows enough detail to distinguish the inner circle and outer ring of the remnant clearly enough.

Find the scientific paper about this discovery here.

[Image Description: A vast sea of speckles of stars against a faded black background. In the centre of the image, the stars cluster to form a bright and dense green cottoncandy-colored haze, that is the Large Magellanic Cloud. Scattered across the middle of the image are about 50 small yellow crosses, some of them are so close to one another that they almost overlap. In the lower left quarter of the image, two circles were drawn that lay wide apart: an orange circle towards the horizontal middle of the image, and a blue one to the lower right of it.]

Credits: Eckhard Slawik, ESA/XMM-Newton/M. Sasaki et al (2025)
F. Zangrandi

Supernova remnant J0624-6948 as observed by XMM-Newton

europeanspaceagency posted a photo:

Supernova remnant J0624-6948 as observed by XMM-Newton

This is J0624-6948, a supernova remnant observed by XMM-Newton.

Read more about this discovery here!

[Image description: This image shows dark purple and bright yellow spots against a pitch-black background, that appear like neon lights outside a window in a city at night. In the centre of the image, the spots cluster to loosely form a ring, which is mostly purple.]

Credits: Eckhard Slawik, ESA/XMM-Newton/M. Sasaki et al (2025)
F. Zangrandi

Supernova remnant J0614-7251 as observed by XMM-Newton

europeanspaceagency posted a photo:

Supernova remnant J0614-7251 as observed by XMM-Newton

This is J0614-7251, a supernova remnant observed by XMM-Newton.

Read more about this discovery here!

[Image description: A colourful circle in the middle of this square image stands out against a pitch-black background. The circle reminds of a sugar-sweet candy, with a bright yellow centre with a pink ring around it. Around the centre, bluish green spots seem to be floating around in the image, that appear like air bubbles in the deep black sea.]

Credits: Eckhard Slawik, ESA/XMM-Newton/M. Sasaki et al (2025)
F. Zangrandi

Sodankylä, Finnish Lapland

europeanspaceagency posted a photo:

Sodankylä, Finnish Lapland

Captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission in August 2024, this image showcases Sodankylä in Finnish Lapland. The high-latitude location is excellent for receiving data from polar orbiting satellites.

Deep in the boreal forest, Sodankylä is already home to the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s Arctic Space Centre – a unique research infrastructure providing in situ and ground-based observations on the interaction between the Earth’s surface, biosphere and the atmosphere. Now, ESA and the institute are exploring the possibility of expanding this facility to a ‘supersite’ for the calibration and validation of measurements taken by satellites and to test instruments in development that could, in the future, be carried on satellites.

Read full story

Credits: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024), processed by ESA; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

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Griekspoor nam ondanks de nederlaag met een goed gevoel afscheid van zijn favoriete tennistoernooi. De nummer 1 van Nederland kreeg de complimenten van Tsitsipas, die zag dat Griekspoor in vergelijking met hun eerste ontmoeting van twee jaar geleden op de Australian Open was gegroeid. Griekspoor was ingenomen met de woorden van de voormalige nummer 3 van de wereld. "Mooi om te horen dat zulke spelers dat zien. Ik denk dat ik ook het beste in dit soort spelers naar boven haal. Dat is niet ideaal natuurlijk. Want ik heb hier ook weer een hele goede Tsitsipas gezien."

Griekspoor is in Rotterdam begonnen aan een samenwerking met zijn nieuwe coach Dennis Sporrel. Tijdens de partij werd duidelijk dat de twee nog aan elkaar moeten wennen. Griekspoor maakte met een opzichtig gebaar duidelijk dat hij op een bepaald moment niet gediend was van commentaar vanaf de kant. "Er kwam een gebaar uit mijn box. Dat vond ik niet gepast", stelde Griekspoor. "Het is ook lastig voor Dennis. De spotlights staan opeens op hem. We moeten elkaar nog beter leren kennen. Ik kijk ernaar uit om dat de komende tijd te gaan doen."

Griekspoor, de huidige nummer 43 van de wereld, zal na zijn uitschakeling gaan zakken op de wereldranglijst. Vorig jaar haalde hij nog de halve finale in Rotterdam. Griekspoor: "Het positieve daarvan is dat ik hier volgend jaar minder punten heb te verdedigen."

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De oproep komt in aanloop naar de Duitse parlementsverkiezingen op 23 februari en maakt deel uit van een bredere politieke campagne van het Duitse bedrijfsleven, waarbij ook grote namen als Volkswagen, BMW, chemiebedrijf BASF en verzekeraar Allianz zijn aangesloten. Dat initiatief is opgezet om voor diversiteit, openheid en tolerantie in Duitsland te pleiten.

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